Thursday, September 22, 2005

[p.s.a.] Blog Depression & You

Public Service Announcement:
The seasons are changing and a certain feeling is kicking around... you being the established blogging curmudgeon that you are, can't help but feel a bit jealous of the endless spunk of some of these blog spring-chickens.

Are you not posting to your blog everyday?
Are you feeling pissy about people posting a dish that you already blogged about 2months ago?

Perhaps it is time to go visit the Blog Depression Pamphlet at nonist:

"there is a growing epidemic in the cyberworld. a scourge which causes more suffering with each passing day. as blogging has exploded and, under the stewardship of the veterans, the form has matured more and more bloggers are finding themselves disillusioned, dissatisfied, taking long breaks, and in many cases simply closing up shop. this debilitating scourge ebbs and flows but there is hardly a blogger among us who has not felt it’s dark touch. we’re speaking, of course, about blog depression.

we here at the nonist have spoken before about the “blog life crisis" which is a natural part of any blog’s life-span. what we turn our attention to now, however, is the more insidious, prolonged strain of dissatisfaction which stays with a blogger, right below the surface, throughout a blog’s lifetime. the diligent and self aware blogger can resist this destructive undercurrent, make changes, adapt, rationalize, but for many, untreated, it can cause much needless suffering in the form of full fledged blog depression."

You are not alone. And we can help. Please make sure you don't push your blog out the window of a tall building.

Go bake some cookies and read this pamphlet.

Thank You.

This post was written by McAuliflower from Brownie Points


Kalyn Denny said...

Very fun. Thanks for sharing.

Tana Butler said...

God love ya for posting that.

Now where is Sam? Surely not unplugged due to blog depression?

Jocelyn:McAuliflower said...

I hope she is still basking in the soft waves of vacation!

Eating food casually, not obsessing over capturing images of it? Or maybe that's a sign of food blog depression...

Jeanne said...

OMG, that's the story of my life lately!!! Thanks for posting that link - at least I know I'm not the only one thinking murderous thoughts about my blog...!

Cate said...

Too funny. I can definitely relate ... and seeing "new" blogs get higher ranking is no fun either. ;)

Shauna said...

Oh god, is this what I can look forward to?

All writing comes in waves. There have to be troughs too. Besides, checking our rankings and feeling bad that other people are posting more--is that why we're doing this?

Zarah Maria said...

LOL, this is so funny, and scaringly true. I'm with you Shauna, there will always be both ups and downs - there's nothing to do about them other than indulge...

MizD said...

But, but, but, but.... all the action the pamphlet told me to take won't help my stats! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh....

sylvie1950 said...

I can relate, but I thought it more due to the depressing times we are in (hurricane's etc).

I can imagine that once you have been blogging for a while, you run out of new ideas to post about daily. We shouldn't look at the new blogger posting about something we did a couple of months ago as depressing. After all it it was new to them. Isn't that what much of blogging is about- posting about one's own experieinces which they want to share.