I'm a new blogger with only 3 months of posts under my belt. Last night I got over 700 hits and it appears that much of that traffic is being driven by something called Stumbleupon. I googled it and it seems to be a Firefox extension. I could sink some time I don't have into further research of this but I thought I would first ask here if anyone has any knowledge or experience with Stumbleupon.
This Post was written by Vanessa from
What geeks eat...
this has come up on food blog sool before but the stupid search engine doesnt seem to be working [how do i fix that], so i can't find it.
basically - stumbleupon is a random website finder that can be a button on your tool bar. Users mark the rand om sites 'like' or 'do not like', the more you are liked, the more likely you are to be stumbled upon.
i use stumble upon a the 'games' category only at work [i work in computer games] to help me with research and I find it very useful. The rest of the time i only play with it from time to time in moments of extreme boredom.
referrals probably wont remain at that level, and will probably be just a temporary spike from time to time.
boy- that search sure isn't working!
Comparing your google code to the code I used on my site shows them to be quite different.
I got my code from the google search co-op page. I'd suggest, reinserting a new google search.
I think you are right, Sam, a page "referral" will lead to a spike but it will soon go. There's not much point getting loads of "hits" if the people hitting your site aren't really interested.
Also Mcauliflower is right about Google Co-op - that's how I set up my own site search engine. Once you've defined the sites to be searched and other parameters, click on control panel and then on code to get the code to insert into your sidebar.
will do when i have a second (maybe sometime in 2008!)- thanks - even the google blogger search at the top of the page doesnt work either though which is odd.
Stumpleupon is an extension for the firefox browser:
"StumbleUpon lets you 'channelsurf' the best-reviewed sites on the web. It is a collaborative surfing tool for browsing, reviewing and sharing great sites with like-minded people. This helps you find interesting webpages you wouldn't think to search for."
Thanks for the info. I'll wait to be enthusiastic when content draws the numbers, not referrals.
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