Tuesday, April 18, 2006

{Of Interest} Journalist seeking tips

Thought this might be of interest to some of you, its from ProfNet:

"I'm looking for chefs to give me creative and fresh cooking tips for the Tip of the Day on Self.com. For example, what is the best way to chop an onion? What is the single best kitchen tool everyone must have? What's the best way to make a dish healthier? What is the thing you do that you pass along to friends? What do you see people mess up time and again? I'm on a tight deadline. Please send me specific and detailed tips -- not just bulleted tips -- by e-mail with your contact information so I can follow up. No phone calls, please. I'm a freelancer. Contact: Anna Roufos
Deadline: 07:00 PM US/Eastern APR 18
Email: aroufos@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.self.com"

This Post was written by Rachael from Fresh Approach

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