Just got this in an e-mail; here's a sneak peak at a food blogging article in the upcoming March Food & Wine magazine. Congrats on the mention!
Columnist Pete Wells looks beyond the boring "cheese-sandwich" genre of
blog to celebrate idiosyncratic ones that make him say "Wow!" Find his list of must-reads below, and get all the details in the March issue of F&W.
Food Porn Watch - http://foodpornwatch.arrr.net
Deep End Dining - http://deependdining.blogspot.com
Noodlepie - http://www.noodlepie.com
Slice - http://www.sliceny.com
Saute Wednesday - http://www.sautewednesday.com
The Food Section - http://www.thefoodsection.com
Gastropoda - http://www.gastropoda.com
The Bruni Digest - http://brunidigest.blogspot.com
Plus, check out the Seven Best Wine Blogs.
This post was written by Sweetnicks from Sweetnicks