Sunday, February 26, 2006 maps for us to make and use

I wrote this up on my blog, that I've started a map featuring chefs and restaurants that support local farms (as well as the farms themselves). I would like to invite of you who are aware of these places in your own area to join Platial and start making maps.

I also started a map for a taco truck crawl in Oakland that some members of MouthfulsFood are going to do.

It's a free service, and I think it's totally groovy.

Please let me know if you would like to do a map for the restaurants and farms in your area. It's such a good thing to support businesses that support sustainable agriculture.

NOTE: I had to learn the hard way not to start mapping until I'd created a map. In other words, I spent an hour or more sticking pins on a map, only to discover that I needed to create and name a new map to have those pins be specific to the map. Ack. Also, if you need help, give a shout. I'm going to try to learn more about the system: I've been invited to be a beta-tester.



Cate said...

Sent you e-mail - thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

We love your map! We made a few changes to Adding a Place late last night that should make the process slightly easier for folks. We're still at it- please keep the feedbcak coming!