Sunday, October 15, 2006

How do I change the background color of my blog/

Hi there.

I have alot of content on my blog and would like to change the background color and also put the side bars and main section in white blocks. How do I do this?


The Blissful Glutton


Jocelyn:McAuliflower said...

as you are a blogger user- go into your template and change the input on the background color listed under body in your css.

currently it says
body {

#FFFFF0 is your color- the part you want to change.

However, sounds like you need some food blog s'cool homework... go to this Know Thy Template posting from way back.

The Blissful Glutton said...

Thanks. I guess I did not ask my question clearly. I would like to create blocks of color to enclose my sidebars. Know how to change the backgroun color. Also, does anyone have a good source for cross-platform fonts?

Jocelyn:McAuliflower said...

Well- it still involves the same homework- get to know your template... really. You can't go around changing how your site looks without understanding your template and css.

Not looking at your source code and css, your sidebars are more than likely a defined set of space on your blog, within which you can change the color. Additionally with this deliniation, you can define a border width and color. For practice altering your css, create a test blog and also go through the css tutorial at W3.

Regarding fonts- the classic honored fonts are Times New Roman, Times, Helvetica, Georgia, Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet. Google is your friend.

Beware of using images of fancy fonts- they won't get picked up by search engines, and won't increase in font size when specificed by your readers.

Anonymous said...

hi I was reading the comments and led me to my question... how do i change my background?? I know I can just change my coclor but how about if I want a picture as my background?? I tried putting the url on the body{ background but didn't work