Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Blogger busted?

Anyone having major issues with blogger? First my template vanishes, now parts just won't show up. My Technorati, Sitemeter, and other buttons are in the template, but refuse to show. Any ideas?

This Post was written by Garrett from Vanilla Garlic


Unknown said...

Never mind... it just suddenly fixed itself...
I think blogger has gremlins in it.

Guy said...

And you're correct, sir. Blogger does have gremlins in it.
I suppose that can be said for nearly any piece of software though. It's just that some gremlins are more content to just hang out and drink a few cold beers rather than hassle us on a daily basis.


Kalyn Denny said...

I have been having a problem lately where I publish and I get a message that says ERROR and when I click on more details it says some thing like 'kalynskitchen file not found'. That could freak you out! I've learned that if I hit the back button it takes me back into the post draft and I can publish again. So far it's always worked (fingers crossed). I am wondering why this suddenly started happening and whether anyone else is having this problem.

Anonymous said...

Technorati is also having some serious issues too. The more widgets you have on your blog, the more likely something is gonna break.

(That's just me being frustrated.)

Owen said...

Garrett - Blogger is currently transitioning everything they do slowly to the new blogger (the beta they keep talking about) as they do that they are probably migrating servers and code and all kinds of stuff and every time they do a move it is quite possible that something somewhere will break and then they have to track it down. In the long run this will actually result in a stronger, more robust system (because they find lots of flaws while doing this) but in the short run - exactly what you are experiencing...

Chris said...

Posting photos to Blogger seems to be so hit or miss.

Also, I try to keep remembering to cut-and-pasting my work so that if Blogger goes down when I submit and the back button trick (like Kalyn mentions) doesn't work.

Unknown said...

The blogger's listing button fails to show up on mine and several other blogs. But I notice that their site is down too. I don't understand if this is a blogger problem or what!
I continue to face promlems in posting images. The image uploading says 'Done' and then I don't see anything in the compose mode.

Probably the transition should end some of the problems