Tuesday, March 28, 2006

(Blogger) Run Time Errors?

At first I thought it was just my site (since I did a recent redesign), but got the same runtime errors when I just came onto Food Blog S'cool's site too. Anyone else getting them, or know how to make them stop?

This post written by Cate at Sweetnicks.


Cindy said...

I use blogger but even if I see those runtime errors I can still publish my posts without any problems.

The Cookbook Junkie said...


I always get those runtime errors when I visit your site. I get them when I visit Culinary in the Desert too. I thought maybe you both were using the same add-on or something.

Cate said...

Cindy - I could publish without a problem.

Paula - did you get those errors before the redesign? I didn't when I visited it. I am also getting a pop-up sometimes... which I think must be something in the redesign since it wasn't there before...

Ziz said...

I've noticed that when people use the little program that shows how many people are currently visiting it causes pop ups. Deleting that from my old site took care of the problem back then.

Cate said...

I'll try that, Ali, thanks. (Even though it's fun to see how many people are there.... ;))

Joe said...

Paula (the cookbook junkie) - I couldn't find a way to contact you on your site. When you do get these errors on the site? I don't think I have seen them yet. Thanks! (feel free to shoot me an e-mail!)

The Cookbook Junkie said...

I get the errors here too. I've been getting the errors on Sweetnicks since before the redesign. They're different line numbers for everyone. I'm only getting one one Culinary in the Desert today (line 710, Joe), two on Sweetnicks and two here.